How to integrate CI into Non-Violent Communication (NVC) teachings
integrating contact improvisation into non-violent communication learning
- for Organization / teachers
- group sessions
- in person and online
I utilize Contact Improvisation as the primary method to deepen my understanding, and that of others, regarding the functioning of our nervous systems on a somatic level, as well as the behavioral patterns they exhibit when triggered. Through spontaneous movement and touch exploration, we gain insight into our physical responses, which can then be translated effortlessly into emotional, cognitive, and spiritual realms. This process allows us to tap into our embodied cognition, uncover learned patterns, and consciously replace automatic reactions with intentional ones that foster closeness, harmony, and intimacy.
Contact Improvisation, as a non-hierarchical dance form centered on the politics of responsibility, enables practitioners to respond to each moment with integrity, making it a valuable tool for those seeking to cultivate non-violent communication.
For me, the experience of practicing CI with Liza is character-shaping.
I experience emotional healing through the body. For example, thanks to one practice, I felt my core starting to return, something I had felt was lost for a long time (mainly emotionally). There was also another practice of simple intimacy, as it is meant to be, without sexuality – there’s a difference between the two, and we learned that. There’s so much more I could share with you about this experience.
To sum it up, it’s a journey that connects & meets you with yourself in an exploratory and primal way.
I suggest you contact Liza, she’d be happy to tell you more about it.
Milana Zohar
Participanting member at the CI and Somatic Movement for Women Series
Learning Contact Improvisation with Liza is an exceptional experience.
Her unique insights and approach elevate the practice, making it invaluable for personal development.
Elli Pieper
DanceAbility Certified Teacher, Musician
Liza not only guided our meetings but also coordinated our individual research efforts between meetings
What stands out most of all is Liza's vision is her ability to engage people and to bring out their best - to achieve surprising results.
Mark McAlister
If you have a chance to work with Liza, do not pass it up! She is wonderful!
She truly cares about the betterment of the world and all those around her. She will do all she can to help you improve your life and support you in your journey
Nataliya Zlotnikov
Healthcare content writer at Embodia Inc, Founder & Personal trainer at Emergency Room Fitness, Dancer at KasheDance
a resource for anyone seeking to resolve conflict and trauma.
Liza’s sincere passion for deep trauma healing and conflict negotiation is evident in the work that she does and shines through in the many conversations we’ve had. In combination with the knowledge and tools she has, this makes her a resource for anyone seeking to resolve conflict and trauma.
Teresie Schafranek Solum Hommersand
Only love and cooperation builds the world
Liza and I come from completely different upbringings, different cultures, religions, language, and ethnicity. And yet, through our communication with genuine intentions, I found a friend, an adversary, a beacon of hope. Liza wants to heal the world with love and her beautiful smile. I not only commend her for it, but I also encourage her.
Nishanto Pishon
Design Engineer
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