Cloning and the Visual Formation of Identity in Doctor Who and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Identity is fluid and everchanging, yet it is oftentimes presented as coherent and stable. A perception that can challenge our natural development and hinder a healthy development of our relationships. Especially when the changes take place rapidly and unexpectedly as it happens in case of trauma-sensitive events where we find ourselves disconnected from our embodied experience and in a way we become our own clones.

In this article, I engage with the concept of fluid identity through the comparison of two cinematic representations of cloning to argue that the clones does not only threaten the identity of their human counterparts but rather parody the notion of a coherent individual identity by both incorporating and challenging it.

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Suggested citation:

Futerman, Liza. “Cloning and the Visual Formation of Identity in Doctor Who and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.” Assembling Identities. Ed. Sam Wiseman. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 185-195. Print.

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liza futerman

Liza Futerman

My lifelong goal is to spread awareness about the intricacies of our nervous systems, emphasizing the importance of tuning into our bodies as a pathway to enhancing resilience both on an individual level and within our communities.

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