Diversability ContaKids

Dancing together and communicating through our bodies creates an environment where adults and children, regardless of special needs, share equal roles and footing.

What is ContaKids?

Tactility is a fundamental sensory experience of our environment. As children, we first make sense of the world physically. As we grow into adulthood, we lose much of our dependence on touch to observe and learn, as our other senses—like vision and hearing—develop to become the dominant channels to our intellect and imagination.

Contakids is a methodology that pushes the idea of using physical contact to develop a deeper form of communication between parents and their children, that both will find enjoyable. By working with bodily movements, the child can enhance their motor skills and self-confidence, while the parents get to develop a bond of trust with their young.

It aims to foster confidence in our actions, by reinstating the physical abilities that we were born with. This energetic assuredness flows directly, in an unmediated form, to our little partners in dance. As we tend to lack it as adults, the hard work is ours to bear right now.

You can watch a video of Itay Yatuv, the founder of the method and his daughter Sophie practicing ContaKids together here.

You can also visit the official ContaKids website to learn more about the methodology.

Benefits of Contakids:

• Parents and children develop a deeper form of communication that both find enjoyable, through movement, working with the body, and physical contact.

• Children enhance and improve their motor skills and self-confidence, while parents build a bond of trust between their child and themselves.

• Children learn self-reliance and develop an independent spirit, and parents learn to interact with them as equals that they support unconditionally.

Diversability ContaKids:

Whether you or your child lives with a physical or mental disability, dancing together and sharing touch and non-verbal quality time can open up new avenues of communication and connection. Why not give it a try at home? :)



Learning Contact Improvisation with Liza is an exceptional experience.

Her unique insights and approach elevate the practice, making it invaluable for personal development.

Elli Pieper
DanceAbility Certified Teacher, Musician

If you have a chance to work with Liza, do not pass it up! She is wonderful!

She truly cares about the betterment of the world and all those around her. She will do all she can to help you improve your life and support you in your journey

Nataliya Zlotnikov
Healthcare content writer at Embodia Inc, Founder & Personal trainer at Emergency Room Fitness, Dancer at KasheDance

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